My First Paper with Dr. Z. : Bijective and Automated Approaches to Abel Sums
My new (and first!) paper with Dr. Z. Gil Kalai and Doron Zeilberger, Bijective and Automated Approaches to Abel Sums Abstract: In this tribute to our guru, Dominique Foata, we return to one of our...
View ArticleSheila Sundaram, May 19th, 18:05 (Israel time): Stirling numbers, Koszul...
Let me share an announcement of a zoom lecture by Sheila Sundaram. The lecture (tomorrow, Sunday) is about the paper Koszulity, supersolvability, and Stirling representations, by Ayah Almousa,...
View ArticleAndrii Arman, Andriy Bondarenko, Fedor Nazarov, Andriy Prymak, and Danylo...
From left to right: Andrii Arman, Andriy Bondarenko and Danylo Radchenko, Fedor Nazarov, and Andriy Primak. The -dimensional unit Euclidean ball has width 2 in every direction. Namely, when you...
View ArticleAndrew Granville: Accepted Proofs: Objective Truth, or Culturally Robust?
Andrew Granville (home page; the comics book: “The Prime Suspects“) Andrew Granville, a famous number theorist, wrote a wonderful paper about proofs in mathematics published at the Annals of...
View ArticleBill Fefferman, Soumik Ghosh, Michael Gullans, Kohdai Kuroiwa, and Kunal...
I would like to discuss the following remarkable paper posted on the arXiv in June 2023. Effect of Non-unital Noise on Random Circuit Sampling, by Bill Fefferman, Soumik Ghosh, Michael Gullans, Kohdai...
View ArticleNoga Alon and Adi Shamir won the 2024 Wolf Prize
Congratulations to Noga Alon and Adi Shamir for winning the 2024 Wolf Prize. Noga Alon received the prize “for his fundamental contributions to Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science,” and Adi...
View ArticlePrague 2024: The First Jiří Matoušek’s Lecture
Jiří Matoušek was a great mathematician and computer scientist and a wonderful person who enlightened our communities and our lives in many ways. A few weeks ago I visited beautiful Prague (and the...
View ArticleThe Free Will problem – Ron Aharoni’s view
This post was kindly contributed by Ron Aharoni. Following Ron’s 2009 (Hebrew) book on philosophy החתול שאיננו שם the two of us had in 2010 a long discussion on various philosophical questions with...
View ArticlePushing Behrend Around II
I will report on Christian Elsholtz, Zach Hunter, Laura Proske, Lisa Sauermann’s breakthrough paper Sets without arithmetic progressions in integers and over finite fields. The paper improves...
View ArticleTest Your Intuition 55: The Case of Two Screening Tests
Here is a great question invented by Michele Piccione and Ariel Rubinstein. (Let me use this opportunity to recommend their mind boggling 1997 paper on the absent-minded driver.) The question (TYI 55)...
View ArticleFive Perspectives on Quantum Supremacy
“Quantum supremacy is important both in its own right and as a benchmark or step toward something further. But my theory is that quantum supremacy cannot be achieved, and this is based on analysis...
View ArticleTest Your Intuition 56: Fifteen Boxes Puzzle
Andrew and Barbara are playing a game. Fifteen boxes are arranged in a 3-by-5 grid, labeled with the letters A through O, as shown below. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O The organizers of the game have...
View ArticleTwo Events
Israeli Mathematical Union annual meeting and student talks day, Sunday and Monday, September 8 – 9, 2024. The Annual meeting of the Israeli Mathematical Union will be held on Sunday, September 8th...
View ArticlePictures from Our 2024 Annual Meeting of the Israel Mathematical Union and...
To me and to many mathematicians in Israel, the Annual meeting of the Israeli Mathematical Union is a dear event and we try to take part. (Here we briefly described the 2017 meeting in Acre, and here...
View ArticleTimothy Chow’s Amazing Fifteen Boxes Puzzle (TYI 56)
TYI56 asked the following question of Timothy Chow: You have fifteen boxes labelled with the English letters from A to O. Two identical prizes are placed in two (distinct) boxes chosen at random....
View ArticleViterbo’s conjecture was refuted by Pazit Haim-Kislev and Yaron Ostrover
Viterbo conjecture – refuted Claude Viterbo’s 2000 volume-capacity conjecture asserts that the Euclidean (even dimensional) ball maximizes (every) symplectic capacity among convex bodies of the same...
View ArticleCelebrating Irrationality: Frank Calegari, Vesselin Dimitrov, and Yunqing...
There are very many irrational numbers but proving irrationality of a specific number is not a common event. A few weeks ago Frank Calegari, Vesselin Dimitrov, and Yunqing Tang posted a paper that...
View ArticleTime for Peace (Song)
“Time for Peace” (זמן לשלום), Lyrics: Amnon Abutbul, Yair Dalal, Fathi Kasem; Melody: Amnon Abutbul. Performing Shlomit Aharon and Yevgeni Shapovalov. This year I had the rare event that the new Jewish...
View ArticleMoshe Vardi: What is Theoretical Computer Science?
Moshe Vardi wrote a short interesting essay “What is theoretical computer science?” (It followed by interesting posts on Facebook.) Moshe argues that Thinking of theoretical computer science (TCS) as...
View ArticleSome mathematical news
Update: Let me mention a ninth paper that just appeared on the arXive. IX. … and the optimal sofa for the moving sofa problem is … Gerver’s sofa. Optimality of Gerver’s Sofa, by Jineon Baek (h/t for...
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