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Prague 2024: The First Jiří Matoušek’s Lecture


Jiří Matoušek was a great mathematician and computer scientist and a wonderful person who enlightened our communities and our lives in many ways. A few weeks ago I visited beautiful Prague (and the historic building of the computer science and applied mathematics departments) for a few days to give the first Jiří Matoušek memorial lecture.  The Matoušek Lectures in Computer Science will take place yearly in the Jiří Matoušek Auditorium. My lecture was about Tverberg’s theorem and here are the slides.





Captions for the pictures, row by row: Jirka and I, Ascona 1999 (credit: Emo Welzl). We discussed topological approaches for Tverberg’s theorem based on iterative \mathbb Z_2 actions.; Jirka and Pavel Valtr (Ein-Gev conference 1999) (credit: Helena Nyklová); Shaking hands with Jiří Sgall and my lecture (credit: Tomáš Rubín); touring the historical computer science building with its 1000 years old archeology. Our guide is the former dean Jan (Honza) Kratochvíl (credit: Helena Nyklová); Pictures from 2000 conference in Crete (credit: Helena Nyklová); A slide from the lecture with more pictures from Ascona 1999 conference (click here for the full picture collection; photographer: Emo Welzl). 



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